Month: February 2011

  • On a roll.

    Well, apparently my new profile pic wasn’t flying too well with my friends, so I decided to switch it up for ‘em in the form of Thai Twins (because it ain’t called Siam anymore, you horrible horrible person!). I’m kidding, folks.

    But then people thought it was too weird? I don’t know why. So I thought I’d give it one last shot:

    Maybe they’d “like” this.

  • Worth two in the bush.


    This was my new facebook profile for Valentine’s Day. It was not received well. I thought women loved gazing into the windows of the soul :(

  • Introducing Max.

    My cousin Tinou had her second child this past week- Max weighed in at 10 lbs and 11 ounces- the second largest natural birth the obstetrician had ever delivered.

    I find it strange that a woman’s friends will just hang around when she starts breastfeeding. I mean, it’s perfectly natural and beautiful and all that jazz, but still, I’d be all, “Oh let me give you some privacy- let me know when you’re done.” Because if my guy friends ever had to do some activity where, say, they had to have their ball hanging out for a few minutes, I wouldn’t hang around and be chattin’ them up. I’d ask, “Hey man, let me know when you’re done here” and let them free ball in privacy for however long they need to. I’m okay with women breast feeding in public (there are just some times where you can’t find privacy), but I’m more than okay to let them have their privacy by me moving away.

    Anyway, sorry for lack of updates (as usual). I’ve been pretty consistent with updating several of my other blogs with content, but I figure you guys would be bored and all tl;dr (don’t worry, of the several I update, they read like a teenager’s diary or something). Cheers!